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Which Tools, Downloads and Patches are available for the CASIO IT-G500?


SDK, manuals, and sample applications can be downloaded after login. Your dealer will be glad to give you direct assistance.



  KBQuickStartITG500WEH.pdf 06.08.2015 IT-G500 (WEH 6.5) Quick Start Guide for Admins & Developers 1.00
  IT-G500_DE.pdf 10.03.2017 IT-G500 Userīs Guide (Deutsch) 1.01
  IT-G500_EN.pdf 17.10.2016 IT-G500 Userīs Guide (English) 1.00
  QuickStartGuide.pdf 23.08.2017 Quick Start Guide 1.05

Communication & Driver Software
LMWin (Link Manager Windows) contains both CASIO communication software and drivers for the cradles. After installing it to your PC, you will find the drivers in the installation directory that you selected.
We would also like to draw your attention to Microsoft ActiveSync and Windows Mobile Device Center as explained in the section "Synchronization" of the menu tree on the left.

  LMWIN_728_EN.zip 21.09.2020 LMWin Software & Cradle Driver (32/64bit Version) 7.28


  FirmwareInfo.zip 07.07.2016 Firmware Info 1.02
  KeybdConfig.zip 20.11.2014 Keyboard Editor 1.01
  SecurityOff.zip 30.07.2010 Security Off (Windows Mobile / Windows Embedded Handheld) 1.00
  WlanBarcodePrint223_EN.zip 20.06.2022 WLAN Setting Barcode Print Tool 2.23

ActiveMenu (Kiosk Mode)

Please also refer to the detailed description of ActiveMenu in the "Software" section.

  ActiveMenu_EN_130.zip 20.09.2016 Active Menu (Kiosk Mode IT-300, IT-G500, IT-9000) 1.30

Patches & Service Packs

For an overview about the updates that must be installed to a certain model please refer to the tables below. On the mobile device you can check the installed apps at START => SETTINGS => SYSTEM => REMOVE PROGRAMS (Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5) or at START => SETTINGS => CONTROL PANEL => REMOVE PROGRAMS (Windows Embedded Compact 7), respectively.

For easy installation we recommend using the CAB FILE Automatic Setup Tool. It looks for all CAB files in the same directory and installs them if necessary. If you place the utility (setup.exe) into the path \CE\ARM\ on either a storage card or the "FlashDisk" folder, it will be launched automatically after a reset. For further details please refer to the manual that is shipped with tool.
Remarks: CAB files won't be deleted automatically, if you set the file attribute to "read only".

  SetupUtility.zip 02.07.2012 CAB FILE Automatic Setup Tool 2.06

Security Settings (Windows Embedded Handheld)

Each Windows Mobile-powerd device has a security policy that determines what is and what is not allowed to run, and what a running application is allowed to do. By factory default, IT-G500 is configured with the One-Tier-Prompt security configuration, where the user is always asked to trust an unsigned application.

  SecurityOff.zip 30.07.2010 Security Off (Windows Mobile / Windows Embedded Handheld) 1.00

The following files should/can be installed on the CASIO IT-G500 Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5:

(Windows Mobile Classic runs on versions without phone, and Windows Mobile Professional runs on versions with phone)

Description Filename Mandatory (+)
Optional (*)
Remark No.
IT-G500 (WEH 6.5 Classic) Service Pack ServicePackITG500WMCLE_118.zip +  1
IT-G500 (WEH 6.5 Pro) Service Pack ServicePackITG500WMPRE_118.zip +  1
IT-G500 (WEH 6.5) Code 128 Imager Patch 0.01 ITG500WEH_ImgC128QuietZone001.zip *  2
IT-G500 Camera Shutter Sound ITG500ShutterSound.zip *  3
IT-G500 (WEH 6.5) Big Keyboard BigSIPITG500WME100.zip *  


  1. Includes previous Service Packs. Installation of previous Service Packs is not required. Please note that Service Pack 1.08 or later comes with new Backup Tool. You can find further details in the Software section for IT-G500.
  2. This patch is only required when you want to read Code 128 Barcodes with missing or insufficient Quiet Zone.
  3. New Shutter01.wav for camera app and SDK functions that plays longer and reflects better the time required to take a picture.


  BigSIPITG500WME100.zip 15.11.2016 IT-G500 (WEH 6.5) Big Keyboard (English/Russian) 1.00
  ITG500WEH_ImgC128QuietZone001.zip 22.02.2016 IT-G500 (WEH 6.5) Code 128 Imager Patch 001
  WlanSUPITG500WM112.zip 28.08.2018 IT-G500 (WEH 6.5) WLAN Supplicant 1.12 1.12
  ITG500ShutterSound.zip 20.09.2016 IT-G500 Camera Shutter Sound 1.00
  ServicePackITG500WMCLE_118.zip 20.06.2022 Service Pack IT-G500 (WEH6.5 Classic) 1.18 1.18
  ServicePackITG500WMPRE_118.zip 20.06.2022 Service Pack IT-G500 (WEH6.5 Pro) 1.18 1.18

The following files should/can be installed on the CASIO IT-G500 Windows Embedded Compact 7:

Description Filename Mandatory (+)
Optional (*)
Remark No.
IT-G500 (WEC 7) Service Pack ServicePackITG500CEE_118.zip +  1
IT-G500 (WEC 7) File Sharing Setting Patch WLANFSENITG500CE.100.zip *  2
IT-G500 (WEC 7) Code 128 Imager Patch ITG500WEC_ImgC128QuietZone001.zip *  3
IT-G500 Camera Shutter Sound ITG500ShutterSound.zip *  4
IT-G500 (WEC 7) Big Keyboard BigSIPITG500CEE100.zip *  
IT-G500 (WEC 7) Camera Rotate Patch CamRotateCompITG500CE100.zip *  5


  1. Includes Previous Service Packs. Installation of previous Service Packs is not required. Please note that Service Pack 1.08 or later comes with new Backup Tool. You can find further details in the Software section for IT-G500.
  2. Improves access to shared folders. Please install this patch only together with Service Pack 1.05 or later version. Please note, that it might need more time to get connected due to the rebind.
  3. This patch is only required when you want to read Code 128 Barcodes with missing or insufficient Quiet Zone. Alternatively, you can make the required settings to the registry directly instead of installing this patch. For further details please refer to the included readme.txt. Please install this patch only together with Service Pack 1.05 or later version.
  4. New Shutter01.wav for camera app and SDK functions that plays longer and reflects better the time required to take a picture.
  5. Required for devices with camera and the need for screen rotation by software. Needs Service Pack 1.05 or later to be installed.


  BigSIPITG500CEE100.zip 15.11.2016 IT-G500 (WEC 7) Big Keyboard (English/Russian) 1.00
  CamRotateCompITG500CE100.zip 16.11.2016 IT-G500 (WEC 7) Camera Rotate Patch 1.00
  ITG500WEC_ImgC128QuietZone001.zip 23.08.2016 IT-G500 (WEC 7) Code 128 Imager Patch 001
  WLANFSENITG500CE.100.zip 21.07.2016 IT-G500 (WEC 7) File Sharing Setting Patch 1.00
  ITG500ShutterSound.zip 20.09.2016 IT-G500 Camera Shutter Sound 1.00
  ServicePackITG500CEE_118.zip 20.06.2022 Service Pack IT-G500 (WEC7) 1.18 1.18

OS Version


Under Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5 you can check the current version at START => SETTINGS => SYSTEM => VERSION INFO. For support inquiries please report the Build ID of the affected device.

To distinguish between "Professional" (= "with phone") and "Classic"  (= "without phone") versions of Windows Embedded Handheld, you can have a look at START => SETTINGS => SYSTEM => ABOUT.

Under Windows Embedded Compact, please go to START => SETTINGS => CONTROL PANEL => VERSION INFO.

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