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Which Tools, Downloads and Patches are available for the CASIO IT-9000?


SDK, manuals, and sample applications can be downloaded after login. Your dealer will be glad to give you direct assistance.



  IT9000CEQuickStart.pdf 07.07.2016 IT-9000 (Windows Embedded CE) Quickstart Guide (Developer) 1.02
  IT9000WMQuickStart.pdf 07.07.2016 IT-9000 (Windows Mobile) Quickstart Guide (Developer) 1.02
  manual.zip 22.11.2019 IT-9000 Manuals
  IT-9000_EN.pdf 17.10.2016 IT-9000 Userīs Guide (English) 1.00
  IT-9000_Print_E_141029.pdf 29.10.2014 IT-9000 Userīs Guide (English/Multilingual) 1.00
  IT-9000_Print_R_141029.pdf 29.10.2014 IT-9000 Userīs Guide (Russian/Multilingual) 1.00

Communication & Driver Software
LMWin (Link Manager Windows) contains both CASIO communication software and drivers for the cradles. After installing it to your PC, you will find the drivers in the installation directory that you selected.
We would also like to draw your attention to Microsoft ActiveSync and Windows Mobile Device Center as explained in the section "Synchronization" of the menu tree on the left.

  LMWIN_728_EN.zip 21.09.2020 LMWin Software & Cradle Driver (32/64bit Version) 7.28


  ActiveMenu_EN_130.zip 20.09.2016 Active Menu (Kiosk Mode IT-300, IT-G500, IT-9000) 1.30
  SetupUtility.zip 02.07.2012 CAB FILE Automatic Setup Tool 2.06
  KeybdConfig.zip 20.11.2014 Keyboard Editor 1.01
  SecurityOff.zip 30.07.2010 Security Off (Windows Mobile / Windows Embedded Handheld) 1.00
  WlanBarcodePrint223_EN.zip 20.06.2022 WLAN Setting Barcode Print Tool 2.23

Patches & Service Packs
For easy installation we recommend using the CAB FILE Automatic Setup Tool. It looks for all CAB files in the same directory and installs them if necessary. If you place the utility into the path \CE\ARM\ on either a storage card or the "FlashDisk" folder, it will be launched automatically after a reset. For further details please refer to the manual that is shipped with tool.
Remarks: CAB files won't be deleted automatically, if you set the file attribute to "read only".

  IT9000WHEC_RecPatchEN108.zip 06.01.2020 IT-9000 (Windows Embedded Handheld Classic) Required Patch Files 1.08
  IT9000WHEP_RecPatchEN108.zip 06.01.2020 IT-9000 (Windows Embedded Handheld Pro) Required Patch Files 1.08
  IT9000WMC_RecPatchEN108.zip 06.01.2020 IT-9000 (Windows Mobile Classic) Required Patch Files 1.08
  IT9000WMP_RecPatchEN108.zip 06.01.2020 IT-9000 (Windows Mobile Pro) Required Patch Files 1.08
  ChkAlarmIT9000WME.103.zip 28.06.2013 IT-9000 A & B (Windows Mobile) Check Alarm Patch 1.03
  IT9000NFC1.04.zip 10.10.2014 IT-9000 A & B NFC Patch 1.04
  IT9000CE_RecPatchEN108.zip 06.01.2020 IT-9000 Recomended Patch Files (CE) 1.08

The following files should/can be installed on the CASIO IT-9000 Windows Mobile / Windows Embedded Handheld:

Description Filename Mandatory (+)
Optional (*)
Remark No.
IT-9000 (WMP) Required Patch Files IT9000WMP_RecPatchEN108.zip +  1
IT-9000 (WMC) Required Patch Files IT9000WMC_RecPatchEN108.zip +  1
IT-9000 (WHEP) Required Patch Files IT9000WHEP_RecPatchEN108.zip +  1
IT-9000 (WHEC) Required Patch Files IT9000WHEC_RecPatchEN108.zip +  1
IT-9000 A & B NFC Patch IT9000NFC1.04.zip +  2
IT-9000 A & B (Windows Mobile) Check Alarm Patch ChkAlarmIT9000WME.103.zip *  3


  1. Recommended updates.
  2. Enhanced driver to set up communication speed and raw data communication. Pre-installed on IT-9000 "C" and later models. Setting registry keys required.
  3. Switches the device off again automatically when it is woken up by system alarm and "automatic power off" (APO) is disabled by user. Pre-installed on IT-9000 "C"and later models.


 The following files should/can be installed on the CASIO IT-9000 Windows Embedded CE:

Description Filename Mandatory (+)
Optional (*)
Remark No.
IT-9000 (Windows Embedded CE) Required Patch Files IT9000CE_RecPatchEN108.zip +  1
IT-9000 A & B NFC Patch IT9000NFC1.04.zip +  2


  1. Recommended updates.
  2. Enhanced driver to set up communication speed and raw data communication. Pre-installed on IT-9000 "C"and later models.



Modem Firmware (IT-9000 Windows Mobile)

To check current version, go to START => SETTINGS => CONNECTIONS => WAN SETTINGS, and enable "CASIO WAN Management". Then, go to the tab "Identification", where you will find the entry beneath "Revision".


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