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Active Menu System


We provide a menu system that hides both system settings and desktop (kiosk mode). It is called "Active Menu System" and can be fully customized by using XML files. You can access the menu through either hardware keyboard or touch screen.

Active Menu System

  ActiveMenu_EN_130.zip 20.09.2016 Active Menu (Kiosk Mode IT-300, IT-G500, IT-9000) 1.30

Active Menu consists of two interfaces: a) Main Menu (JobMenu.xml) and b) System Menu (SystemMenu.xml). You can find those XML files at  \Program Files\CASIO\ActiveMenu\ENV\INI\.

Generally speaking, the end-user works with the Main Menu, while the System Menu is intended to be used by administrators. When Active Menu is launched, it goes to the Main Menu. You can switch to the System Menu by executing the ActiveMenuSwitcher.exe at  \Program Files\CASIO\ActiveMenu.


The access to the System Menu can be restricted by using global password at [2.Settings] => [1.System] => [6.PDA Password]. The terminal password can neither be copied from one device to the other nor deleted by full reset operation!

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